Meet the Executive Board

Rosemary Thuruthikara
Mechanical Engineering
My goal this year is to strengthen our chapters network by fostering more connections and to continue cultivating an environment based on SWEs mission to empower women to reach their full potential!

External Vice President
Danisha Nava
Electrical Engineering
I aim to organize at least three networking events to connect SWE members with industry professionals, alumni, and other organizations. I think these events will provide valuable opportunities for members to explore career paths, gain mentorship, and build professional connections that could lead to possible internships and jobs.

Internal Vice President
Kara Murphy
Statistics and Applied Mathematics
I hope to strengthen member engagement and retention, maintain strong communication and support the executive board throughout the year.

Ashley Wubben
Mechanical Engineering
My goal for this semester is to provide a safe and welcoming space for women in stem.

Betty Smith
Computer Science
I want to accomplish effectively budgeting our funding for the chapter throughout the year.
Audrey Fields
Computer Science and Biology
My goal is to keep SWE's website user-friendly, visually appealing, and regularly updated with our latest activities and events!

Social Media Chair
Anai Galindo
Rehabilitation and Disability Services
My goal is to show the milestones the women at SWE have conquered and showcase that anyone can achieve anything if they put in lots of time, sweat and patience.

Outreach Chair
Han Ju
Mechanical Engineering
I want to enhance SWE connections and collaborate with more organizations!

Juliana Martinez
Mechanical Engineering
My goal is to create a welcoming environment and getting more people to come to meetings!

Alumni Relations
Emily Romancew
Mechanical Engineering
Help develop a strong connection between our current and past NIU swe members to encourage a sense of community between the amazing women that proceeded us and those who will follow them.

Philanthropic Chair
Georgia Krillie
Electrical Engineering
In this role I hope to find some technical and hands on volunteer work for our club to do so that we are not only helping our community but learning very useful technical skills as well!

Sponsorship Coordinator
Stephanie Verdin
Industrial and Systems Engineering
My goal this year is to create a closer relationship with our sponsor companies by creating at least four mentoring relationships.