Now that NIU made the rest of our semester online it is very easy for me to just sit around all day. Before quarantine, walking from DuSable to the Engineering Building was my Tuesday and Thursday active routine. I would also go to the student rec center at least three times a week.
But now gyms are closed, and quarantine snacks are addicting!!
It is important to give yourself a break from work/studying to keep yourself physically active. It promotes a healthy physical and mental lifestyle. Since integrating at-home workouts in my daily routine, I noticed a change in my mood and physical well-being. To give you an idea, here are some benefits I’ve noticed:
I feel more motivated to get my day started
It is easier for me to fall asleep (before my sleep schedule was so messed up)
Breaks in between classes/studying to workout help me stay focused when going back to schoolwork
It is a way for me to de-stress
Improved my skin’s appearance (less acne)
Staying active can seem intimidating, I know it is for me. But it doesn’t have to be an extreme home workout. It can be as simple as alternating doing jumping jacks and squats every 30 minutes while sitting down doing work. I suggest starting off with a routine you are comfortable with so that you don’t hate it while starting. Then build up to a workout that gets your heart rate going. This will promote a healthy heart and blood flow, as well as improve your skin’s appearance.
Here is my workout routine, you can add or remove any set to find your perfect routine: Monday (legs)-
Squats (4 sets of 10)
Lunges (3 sets of 20) *switch legs in between each rep*
Jump squats (4 sets of 10)
Frog pumps (4 sets of 10)
Tuesday (upper body)-
Push-ups (4 sets of 10)
Mountain climbers (4 sets of 10)
Triceps dips using chair (4 sets of 10)
Shoulder taps (4 sets of 10)
Wednesday (legs)-
Jumping jacks (4 sets of 20)
Donkey kicks (2 sets of 15) *for each leg, total of 4 sets*
Hip thrusts (4 sets of 10)
Jump squats (4 sets of 10)
Thursday (abs)-
Jack knives (4 sets of 10)
Alternating crunch (4 sets of 10)
Bicycle crunches (4 sets of 10)
Leg lifts (4 sets of 10)
Friday- Rest you’ve earned it!
Keep in mind that you should stretch at the beginning of your workout routine to avoid any cramping and having sore muscles. You can look up how to do any exercise, there are many videos online.
If working out isn’t your thing try something different to stay active, there is something for everyone!
Here are some alternative activities to working out:
Clean around your house
Walk around your neighborhood
Active video games (WiiFit, Mario Party, Beat Saber, Dance Dance Revolution)
Play a musical instrument
Bike around your neighborhood
Build stuff (maybe shelves for your closest or a shoe rack)
Soft toss batting practice
Remember that results don’t happen overnight so don’t be disappointed if you don’t notice a difference after a week. It isn’t easy, so stay committed and hold yourself accountable. Invite a friend to join you in a month-long stay active challenge. You can hold each other accountable and encourage each other. Don’t be discouraged, you got this.
I hope you find this post motivating and helpful!
Cindy Gomez